Affiliate Media Kit - Free Webinar

I’m excited to have you as a promotional partner for our Free LIVE online event coming up on September 28th. 

3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony In Your Everyday Life: Discover How to Access Your Inner Wisdom for a Balanced Life of Clarity, Vitality, and Fulfillment

  • If you have not already received your unique affiliate link, please create one now by clicking on the 'Download Now' blue button below its corresponding title. Be sure to 'embed' your affiliate link into the text copy where indicated. This will be how we track your commissions on any sales.
  • For your convenience, we've provided graphics to use in your email, newsletter, and/or social media. There are a variety to choose from. You can easily download them to your device by clicking on the corresponding blue button.
  • Also included are sample social media post copy that you can use. Be sure to include your unique affiliate link into the copy where indicated.
  • For your dedicated email, simply pick a subject line from the options and customize the copy for your audience and voice.
  • There will be a special encore event on Saturday, September 30th.
  • We appreciate your stewardship toward bringing balance into the lives of conscious individuals across the planet!

Unique Affiliate Link

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Email Newsletter Banner Graphic #1

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Email Newsletter Banner Graphic #2

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Social Media Post #1 - Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter Graphic

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Social Media Post #2 - Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter Graphic

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Social Media Post #3 - Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter Graphic

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Social Media Post #4 - Facebook/LinkedIn/Instagram/Twitter Graphic

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Social Media Story - Facebook/Instagram Graphic

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Social Media Promotional Copy

  • Upload the image corresponding to the social media platform above (Facebook/LinkedIn/Twitter/Instagram).
  • Copy & paste the info as your message.
  • Include your affiliate link in the post! That will direct people to the webinar registration page where you’ll receive your commission.

Example #1: 

Unlock the secrets of your inner self and embark on a journey towards a harmonious existence, where clarity, vitality, and fulfillment become your constant companions. Join my friend Alana Cahoon as she shares effective tools to help you bring balance back into your life, naturally. Register here: [<--INCLUDE YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

#Balance #SelfCare #Mindfulness  #FreeWebinar  #EmotionalIntelligence#Vitality #AlanaCahoon

 Example #2: 

My friend & colleague Alana Cahoon is offering a new LIVE free webinar for time-stretched individuals. With over a decade of experience, she’ll show you how to bring balance to your life. Sign up here, it’s free: [<--INCLUDE YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

#Balance #Harmony #SelfCare #Mindfulness #EffectiveTools #FreeWebinar #BurntOut #Vitality #AlanaCahoon

Example #3:

Do you find yourself overstretched and tapped out? Unearth the means to unlock your inner wisdom and embrace a state of equilibrium, vitality, and fulfillment. Follow the provided hyperlink for details! [<--INCLUDE YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

#Balance #Harmony #SelfCare #Mindfulness #EffectiveTools #FreeWebinar #BurntOut #Vitality #AlanaCahoon

Example #4:

Discover the secrets to living a balanced life of clarity, vitality and success. Free LIVE webinar to learn the 3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony in Your Everyday Life.[<--INCLUDE YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE]

#Balance #Harmony #SelfCare #Mindfulness #EffectiveTools #FreeWebinar #BurntOut #Vitality #AlanaCahoon


Sample Email/Newsletter Promotional Copy

Subject Line options (choose one or make one up!): 

  • WEBINAR: 3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony in Your Everyday Life with Alana Cahoon
  • 3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony
  • Live Event to Bring Balance Back Into Your Life
  • Feeling Burnt Out?
  • Time to Find Balance in Your Everyday Life


Email/Newsletter Body:

If you're like me, you aspire to achieve balance in your personal and professional life. Making time for your health and fitness.  Being happy and financially flourishing, while expressing your creative nature.

But the problem is you don’t have enough time, and the world is filled with uncertainty. 

You feel a responsibility to take care of everyone and everything. At times this feels like a heavy burden to carry.

In our 24/7 culture, we’re led to believe that in order to succeed we have to work long hours and be 100% available to our family. This leaves little time for ourselves.

It’s time for self care and reflection. Imagine cultivating inner peace to reduce stress and anxiety.

Join my friend & colleague, Alana Cahoon’s LIVE free Webinar, 3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony in Your Everyday Life: Discover How to Access Your Inner Wisdom to Live a Balanced Life of Clarity, Vitality and Fulfillment [<--EMBED YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK IN THE TITLE HERE - then delete this instruction before sending to your audience] and discover these 3 principles:

Being Calm 

Nurturing your soul and finding peace within to bring more balance to your life by being proactive instead of reactive

Being Clear 

Embodying daily intentions for yourself to live more clearly, and be centered and focus on what matters most

Being Compassionate 

Loving yourself and filling your reservoir first so that you have even more positive energy to share.


By being calm, clear and compassionate you’ll naturally come up with creative solutions to everyday occurrences in your life, and find the time for you.

I invite you to join like-minded individuals to explore these principles to bring balance back into your life, attracting an open flow of health, wealth, and happiness.

Go here to learn more and register: 3 Keys to Cultivating Balance and Harmony in Your Everyday Life LIVE Webinar [<--EMBED YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE - then delete this instruction]


Your Name

P.S. You'll have the chance to ask Mindfulness Coach, Alana Cahoon questions at the end of the live webinar, and she also has a free gift for those who attend live. Go here to Register for Free. [<--EMBED YOUR UNIQUE AFFILIATE LINK HERE - then delete this instruction]